Website Help

Moodle Text Editor Plugins

The Planet eStream Moodle Text Editor Plugins provide a quick and easy way of adding Planet eStream content to your Moodle Virtual Learning Environment. The Plugins can be used to add the following types of Planet eStream content; Recordings, Quizzes, Documents, Chapters, Playlists, and Photosets.

The Plugins can also be used to upload video/audio content and embed the content directly into a Moodle page.

Please note: The Planet eStream Moodle Text Editor Plugins are a replacement for the Planet eStream Moodle Repository Plugin. If a Planet eStream icon does not appear within the text editor in Moodle then please see the following help document Moodle Repository Plugin.

  • When editing text within Moodle, click the Planet eStream icon in the text editor's toolar.

  • A window will open, showing Planet eStream interface.
  • Enter your search terms and click the search icon, or press the enter key, to see the Planet eStream search results. An example of a search result is shown below.
  • Click the title or thumbnail of any search result.
  • The item can then be previewed, if required.
  • To embed the item, click Add to Moodle.
  • The Planet eStream window will close and the item will be added into the text-editor within Moodle.
  • To view the item in the Moodle page, click Save changes.

How to Add a Planet eStream Quiz or Chapter to Moodle

  • While Within Moodle, and when editing a page, click the Planet eStream icon, as shown below.
  • A window will open, showing Planet eStream interface.
  • Enter your search terms and click the search icon, or press the enter key, to see the Planet eStream search results. An example of a search result is shown below.
  • Any search result for an item that contains Quizzes will include a clickable Show Quizzes icon.
  • Any search result for an item that contains Chapters will include a clickable Show Chapters icon.
  • Click the icon to view the Quizzes or Chapters present for the item.
  • To preview a Chapter, click the Preview option.
  • To embed a Chapter, click Add to Moodle.
  • To embed a Quiz, click the Quiz Title.
  • The Planet eStream window will close and the item will be added into the text-editor within Moodle.
  • To view the item in the Moodle page, click Save changes.

Uploading New Video/Audio Content

  • While Within Moodle, and when editing a page, click the Planet eStream icon, as shown below.
  • A window will open, showing Planet eStream interface.
  • Click the Upload link at the top of the page.
  • An upload form will be displayed.
  • Browse for a file to upload and complete the remainder of the form.
  • Click Upload File button at the bottom of the upload form.
  • The Planet eStream window will close and the item will be added into the text-editor within Moodle, represented by a placeholder.
  • To view the item in the Moodle page, click Save changes.
  • The Moodle page will show a placeholder while the item is being processed. Once processing is complete, the placeholder will be replaced with a media player containing the uploaded item.